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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 7, 2017

[sapui5] [git] Avoid using "Amend Change" in git pane of sap Web IDE

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Hi, SAP Web IDE provide a "seem to be useful" function in the git pane: " Amend changes" . This function allows you to amend you current change to the latest  commit . It's quite useful if you make additional small changes after your last commit, which is in the same scope of the commit. However, that lead to a fatal error if you're working with a remote git repository (like Bitbucket, Github). It would create a conflict betweens commit, which will cause you lots of pain points. For example, you have 3 commits: A, B, C A: already pushed to the remote repository. B: you've just committed. (but not pushed yet) C: You've made small changes and " ammend changes"  to commit B, and changed the commit description. Then, you want to push all the changes (B & C) to the remote. Here's you will get the conflict. Because the commit B itself contains 2 commits with different description, the remote server cannot distinguis...

[sapui5] How to work around “multiple merge bases” error in EGit Eclipse plugin?

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Hi, When I pull remote repository to my local branch in SAP Web Ide, I’ve got this problem with GIT: 3 : 13 : 49 PM ( git ) Pull request failed No merge base could be determined . Reason = CONFLICTS_DURING_MERGE_BASE_CALCULATION . "More than 200 merge bases for: a ac84124fd128aa579db65693b36be11b5d9a3575 b 1 b9e27eb78bed7f9ec40517fee32dfb0a5504ef7 found : count 2 " I’ve searched but found no solution, the only solution is mentioned  here. They suggest to update the git version to higher version, but it seems unable to do so in sap web IDE. The Web IDE also does not support git command line so there’s no solution to get over this bug. (my remote repository is bitbucket) Solution It's pretty weird, I'm not really sure. But to get over it, you can try: - cherry-pick from your latest commit in your local branch. - fix the conflict. - Commit to a new one (or append your latest commit). - Try to pull again (it should be successfully right a...

Download all data from table which contain many data

If table contains many data, you can not download all table data using Export object from SAP. You need to set the Size Limit of table to maximum: setSizeLimit ( iSizeLimit ) Cheers! ---V---

[sapui5] Freeze table - fixed columns on the left, or allow right columns scrollable only

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Hi there, Sometimes you may get a requirement for the table that I mentioned in the title:  Freeze table,  or fixed columns on the left, or allow right columns scrollable only. This can be achieved easily by sap.ui.table Control from the ui5 library. Try this control in Explored . More details API ---V---

[sapui5] remember this function pair when you want to fire Select on some items of ListBase

Hi, Please remember 2 functions which always go in pair: setSelectedItem(oItem); fireSelect({key: sItemKey}); Example: oTabBar.setSelectedItem(oTabBar.getItems()[0]); oTabBar.fireSelect({key: oTabBar.getItems()[0].getId()}); If you're a newbie in sapui5 development, when you look up in the API, you may definitely think the only 1 function fireSlect() is enough to trigger the selectItem event of Listbase. However, that function does not all the thing we want. The fireSelect () do select the new items to the Listbase, but it not set the property ' selectedItem ' of that Listbase to correct Item. That's why we need to use setSelectedItem also to set the ' selectedItem' to correct value. Hope this helps you in your development. Cheer, ---V---