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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 10, 2017

[sapui5][abap] Use Eclipse to push code to ABAP repository (temporary)

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Hi, For now, local SAP Web IDE cannot be used to push code to ABAP repository. So we have to use Eclipse as a workaround. This post we will make a tutorial to do that. 1. Setup Eclipse environment: - Get Eclipse as described in this link . - If your company use firewall, you may have an error connecting to the Internet when "Install new software...". In that case, please use network proxy to access the internet ( should ask your IT department the proxy server information ): You can check whether the software gets installed or not by checking in Help/About : 2. Connect to ABAP repository using SAP GUI: Make sure that the connection is ready & on so that you can connect easily using Eclipse. - Open SAP GUI. - Check if your connection is working, if not; create a new connection to your server: Create new connection Input server information to connect to NOTE: in case your eclipse still cannot see the connection (eg. C46), you need to m...

[sapui5] Working with Smart table

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Hello, I had so many difficulties to customize this controls in my project. So I stored all helpful link here for future reference: — Guiline to do: https://help.sap.com/viewer/0ce0b8c56fa74dd897fffda8407e8272/7.5.6/en-US/1daa46220969467faf04329308c24613.html https://blogs.sap.com/2015/09/16/smarttable-exampl/ — Explain details how the code work for Smart controls: https://blogs.sap.com/2016/03/16/how-smarttable-works/ Cheers! p/s: Fortunately, after hours of researching, I've found the reason why my smart table didn't work: The "app:useSmartField" is some kind of " special property " which is being used in the version of SmartTable (the version at the date I wrote this blog), which is not applied to the normal smart table, which is guided in most of the blogs written at this time. That property makes the UI5 library couldn't parse the data from Backend to Frontend, which cause this error. This property is in the template code of Sa...