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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 12, 2017

[sapui5] sap.ui.table.Table renders columns in-correctly after toggling visible from false to true (contained inside a IconTabBar)

Hình ảnh
Hi, The issue like this: It happens when the table gets switched from visible false to true. (when the table is invisible, there's will be another control (Planning Calendar) displayed instead) This sap.ui.table.Table is contained inside an IconTabBar. Reason: Still unknown. It may come from the renderer after switching from invisible to visible. It may cause from the IconTabBar container. Workaround: For now, I need to refresh the binding of the table, so that the will re-render the table columns as well, which solve the issue. But it's just still a work-around. ---V---

[Backend] SAP Gateway implementation

First, we can follow this tutorial: https://blogs.sap.com/2016/05/31/odata-service-development-with-sap-gateway-code-based-service-development/ The above tutorial will provide you guide to: - Setup the gateway service in ABAP server. - Create Entity set, which is linked to ABAP dictionary. - Modify Method for GET: get entity, get entitySet with $filter, $top & $skip. The second blog will help you to: - Get single entity by key. -  Implementing navigation to the child items. https://blogs.sap.com/2016/05/31/odata-service-development-with-sap-gateway-code-based-service-development-part-ii/ Below tutorial will help you how to handle the $sort param: http://www.saplearners.com/orderby-query-option-in-sap-netweaver-gateway/ The link between URL & Gateway ABAP Method: HTTP Method Base URL plus Query String XML Body OData Operation ABAP Method GET Nothing Handled by the Gateway Framework ...

Good Reading for Frontend (Web) Developer

JavaScript. The Core. ---V---

The difference between sap.ui.controller & sap.ui.define

Hi there, Have you wondered why controller in sapui5 defined in different ways? You can have a look at the source blog here: http://www.planetofbits.com/sap-ui5/understanding-sap-ui-define/ The author has clearly explained the differences, and also provide an example for you to easily understand the concept. ---V---