[saphcp] [iot] Create IoT applications with SAP Cloud platform & Tessel kit - Common Issue & Solution
Hi, You can follow the full tutorial here: https://www.sap.com/developer/how-tos/2016/09/iot-tessel.html However, you may get some issue during following the tutorial (as I did), then come to this post to find the answer: Cannot use the Ambient module: attempt update but running forever Reason : Still not sure why this happening. But based on Tessel GitHub page, the reason may come from the old firmware of the Tessel board & the ambient module. Solution: this is a workaround for now. Instead of connecting the Ambient module to Port A of Tessel board. Connect it to PORT B of the board. Remember to change the JS code in the ambient.js also. The Tessel board & module should be set up like this 1. The 'iotmms' application has status "Starting" forever Reason: The application needs to bind with one database in Hana cloud. But it seems that the tutorial did not mention clearly about this prerequisite. Solution: Add a schema name "my...