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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 1, 2018

[saphcp] [iot] Create IoT applications with SAP Cloud platform & Tessel kit - Common Issue & Solution

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Hi, You can follow the full tutorial here: https://www.sap.com/developer/how-tos/2016/09/iot-tessel.html However, you may get some issue during following the tutorial (as I did), then come to this post to find the answer: Cannot use the Ambient module: attempt update but running forever Reason : Still not sure why this happening. But based on Tessel GitHub page, the reason may come from the old firmware of the Tessel board & the ambient module. Solution: this is a workaround for now. Instead of connecting the Ambient module to Port A of Tessel board. Connect it to PORT B of the board. Remember to change the JS code in the ambient.js also. The Tessel board & module should be set up like this 1. The 'iotmms' application has status "Starting" forever Reason: The application needs to bind with one database in Hana cloud. But it seems that the tutorial did not mention clearly about this prerequisite. Solution: Add a schema name "my...

[sapui5] [deployment] Error when deploy project from Web IDE to ABAP Server

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1/ Cannot find index.html file  This is usually caused when you override the folder that was created by Eclipse before. Let take back a little in history, when sapui5 is new and not yet have their own Web IDE. Developer needs to use Eclipse to develop & deploy to ABAP server. And the structure of webapp in Eclipse is different than in Web IDE, this leads to the issue you're having. Solution: To fix it, delete all the configuration relating to the old folder structure created by Eclipse in configuration files (which are the " UI5..." files) . The file created by Eclipse is usually the file inside WebContent folder. ---V---

[sapui5] [list] [fragment] Fragment/Dialog binding not working

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Possible reason: You haven't set model to that dialog/fragment. This is because of the ui5 framework concept: A new fragment will have its own model. If you want that fragment has the same model as the view. Please use the below command line: this.getView().addDependent(this.oPictureDialog); ---V---

[sapui5] [odata Model v2] use oModel.metadataLoaded().then instead of oModel.attachMetadataLoaded() to avoid unexpected error in runtime as Fiori launchpad

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Hi, The 2 below code seem to be similar: 1/ Use attachMetadataLoaded() 2/ Use private property: promise metadataLoaded() However, they're different if you are running in Fiori launchpad, as the moment I wrote this post. The function of the first approach (using attachMetadataLoaded()) will not be called. You need to use the second at for now. And actually, the ui5 template go with the 2nd one. I've tried the first approach & it did trouble me a lot, so you should stick with the best practice template from SAP. ---V---

[cloud-platform] Deploy your first application to SAP Hana Cloud platform - Cloud Foundry envionment

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Hi, First, you should go through the official Help document from SAP: (1)  https://help.sap.com/viewer/65de2977205c403bbc107264b8eccf4b/Cloud/en-US/e3d82674bd68448eb85198619aa99b6d.html#loioe3d82674bd68448eb85198619aa99b6d When I tried following this tutorial on 1 Jan 2018, it has updated the new UI in Cloud Foundry cockpit, so I wrote this post. There's no binding service that the help document (1) above mentioned. Instead, you need to navigate to Service, choose the  PostgreSQL service . The cockpit will route you to the page to manage PostgreSQL. Once there, navigate to Instance (the item on the left toolbar). The UI that I tried: Create New Instance , you be guided through some steps to create a new database instance. When finished, the wizard will ask you if you want to connect the instance to an application. Connect the instance to the demo application (hello-nodejs) that you have done in the sap document help (1). After finishing creating the data...