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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 5, 2018

[hardward] Test & Review Multi-devices Bluetooth Keyboard Logitech K480

Let’s try the performance of this keyboard. Well, to be honest, the keyboard is not really good at typing. The keys go no really smooth. The feeling is hard. Don’t know why Logictech can create such keyboard with best key feeling like this. Is it because they try to put the window & Mac keyboard inside one? That have different ASCII code & require more electronic board under to control it? I guess it’s the only reason. This keyboard is not cheap. Which mean it should deliver great typing experience, but I didn’t get it. The keyboard seem like a old keyboard which have a really not good feeling when type.  Shall I return? The responsive is OK, not really fast. Ah maybe the responsive (time from key pressed till it display on screen) affected by the key typing experience. Since the keys are hard to press down (unlike Mac keyboard or chipset keyboard), I feel it take more time to me to type the text. But anyway, it’s far more cheaper than a genuine Mac keyboard,...

[JS] [npm] Run npm behind the corporate proxy

I've just had a very similar problem, where I couldn't get npm to work behind our proxy server. My username is of the form "domain\username" - including the slash in the proxy configuration resulted in a forward slash appearing. So entering this: npm config set proxy "http://domain\username:password@servername:port/" then running this npm config get proxy returns this: http://domain/username:password@servername:port/ Therefore to fix the problem I instead URL encoded the backslash, so entered this: npm config set proxy "http://domain%5Cusername:password@servername:port/" and with this the proxy access was fixed. Note: - It's better the password has no special characters . - Sometimes, the https-proxy should use the same http :// instead of https :// Details can be found here . ---V---

[invention] Milk box of LIF - small invention but wide affect

Hình ảnh
Normally, in the past (and till now), many milk box (made by paper) is cover by 2 cord: one need spin & 1 need to cover the milk inside. With this type, if the user wants to get the milk inside the box. They need to take off 2 cords: 2 steps required. With the innovation from LIF: user needs only one step: spin the outer cord. Since the outer cord is linked with the inner paper cord by a hard plastic key. So if customer spin the outer cord, the key will spin as well, which open the inside cord at the same time. This invention now helps millions of customer save effort to open the milk box every day!!! ---V---

[UI] [network] Chrome - allow cross-origin (CORS) for dev purpose

For windows, press Window, type run,  open RUN utility window. Enter text: chrome.exe --user-data-dir="C:/Chrome dev session" --disable-web-security Details can be found here . For Mac & Linux, check here . ---V---