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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 7, 2018

[Backend] Best practice working with HANA XS on Cloud Platform

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Hi, I will share some best practice that took me hour to figure out what's solution. Perquisite: I follow the tutorial series here , so things are basically set up. 1/ Cannot add more column to table  After I completed all the tutorial series, I've got a XS service expose table data as OData service. And I can use the service to bind onto UI in SAPUI5 application. Then I come up with idea to add more data & relation so that I can do more with my application. That's when I got error: Even I add one column to my table, added data using SCV import. The 2 files are saved & activated successfully. But the data didn't returned in the Data service. When I check in the catalog of the service, it look like this (the new column "INSTOCK" does not have data): Issue with "INSTOCK" column I've thought that I cannot modify the structure of table during the database is up & running. So I tried to restart the database but it didn...