Study ODATA protocol and relating topics
1/ ODATA when I search for ODATA by Google, I got this link first (and it seem to be good resource): And ops, it's very good link to start ODATA. It instructed you step by step to study about ODATA. All you need is to follow it. And have studied ODATA one time, before I enter this link. The first time was a training, conducted by my senior SAP developer in my company. He prepared slide and demos, he use one demo tool, but I think it's not as good as the tutorial in above link. Screenshot of Postman App with OData collection imported So give it a try. Following the instruction, I'm using Postman chrome app to study about ODATA. Studying programing cound't be easiser. Here's a screenshot of it: If you have any problem/question when using postman, you can refer to this manual: Have fantastic STUDYING! :) 2/ SAP UI5: - Setup IDE to develop: You ...